Helping you TRUST what you don’t understand.
Learn how to harness the power of intuition as your most informative natural and biological signal.

Archaeology of Intuition

Excavate. Normalize. Revolutionize.




Intuition Profiling

Instant access and identification of your most powerful and already open intuitive track you are working with, have natural access to, effortlessly. 

Intuition Excavation

If you’ve had a highly impactful, view shifting intuitive experience that was indescribable, sacred, transcendent, and you don’t even have words for…let’s work together to excavate and understand it! 

Documentary Interview (Film)

If you have a L.I.S.T.E.N. event occur in your life, we’d love to help you excavate it, capture it on film with our crew, with the possibility of including it in our Intuitive Human documentary and/or docu-series!

Intuition Activator Program

Work together, 1:1 for 90days to transform your life, developing your intuition, learning to listen to the whispers that matter, specifically how it works for you, in your body, and how to know when to act upon the messages you are receiving! 

Keynote Speaker

Leave your audience feeling inspired, connected, vulnerable and wondering where they too can be shattered in their belief systems and built anew.

Science & Research

Through empirical & phenomenological discovery we are committed to analyzing this exclusive body of research.

Full Episodes on Youtube

What They Have To Say

Are you ready to normalize intuitive experiences for humanity?

Read more about the Founder of Intuitive Human personal journey and what it has meant for her to become an Intuitive Human & Mentor.

Click below to schedule an interview.

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