Option 1: Excavate My Direct Experience!
I have answers for you!
There are not many people who have the capacity, knowledge or expertise to truly get you here, in these unknown places… I DO, because I’ve been in your shoes, scratching my head, ruminating on the how/why/who’s of it, with no answers.
If you’ve had a highly impactful, view shifting intuitive experience that was indescribable, sacred, transcendent, and you don’t even have words for… let’s work together to excavate and understand it!
Helping intuitive humans, just like you, excavate radical experiences of intuition, beyond logic, bringing grounded presence, insightful, educated understanding to what actually occurred so that you walk away in more meaningful contact with your own direct experience… is our pleasure to discover with you. When you can finally excavate these difficult to understand and incomprehensible events, it helps you to fully integrate all pieces, all the way through your bodies (mental, emotional, physical, intuitive, spiritual), bringing you to a fullness and a more complete experience, most haven’t encountered before.
Option 2: Excavate My Intuitive Tracks!
Deeper dive into the 2-3 top-most tracks of intuition open and available naturally for your development right now! Insights into how to increase your natural intuitive strengths, where they come from, and which psychological character styles contribute to your intuition. Plus resources to learn more!
Duration: 90 Minutes
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